Welcome to guildfordArts.org
For information about Arts Activity and Arts Resources in and around Guildford
Guildford Arts: a charity that champions the rich variety of arts activities to be found in and around Guildford in Surrey. This website is a reference source for those events, organisations, people and places that together create Guildford’s energetic cultural scene.
Would you like to post arts events to this website? All your events will be displayed here and broadcast to social media channels. Visit ‘Join GA’ in the main menu – it’s FREE!
Or join us to have your Artist’s profile on our website.
We review all additions prior to publication…
It is with intense sadness that Guildford Arts must announce the unexpected death of founding member, Vice Chair and Membership Secretary (among a myriad of other essential duties), Jan Wilkinson. During this difficult time, we extend our deepest condolences to Jan’s family and loved ones.
Read Guildford Arts Chair, Marilyn Taylor’s full tribute here…
Sights of Summer
5 Aug – 6 Sept
Two more talented artists’ work is displayed in Guildford Arts’ regular showcase at the Guildford Institute.
COLLEEN CONTI is a Sussex landscape artist living and working in Horsham. Her work originates with landscape, and has become increasingly expressive allowing her the freedom to focus on the essence of a particular place.
SINCLAIR WEBSTER Sinclair’s ideas have a strong graphic base, usually bound by a frame line. Simple, quick, single lines emphasise key shapes and the rhythms between them.
Admission Free
EVENTS: What’s On in Guildford
this week & next…
visual ARTists:
A small selection – chosen at random – of the many artists who are members or have exhibited with GA in recent years.
ARTS organisers:
A sample of the many organisations providing art experiences in the Guildford Area
ARTS venues:
Some of the venues that host arts events:
Some of our social Media feeds: