Membership for an arts organisation seeking to obtain enhanced visibility for its activities through the various marketing channels offered by Guildford Arts.
- Regular mailings from Guildford Arts containing information about the local arts scene and copies of Guildford Arts newsletter “News & Views”.
- Invitations to all Private Viewings of Exhibitions of Art arranged by Guildford Arts – Yvonne Arnaud Art and Art@Clyde&Co. These include refreshments.
- Ability to maintain a personalised public profile (including images) on the Guildford Arts web site and to post details of Arts Events and Press Releases.
- The option to receive regular email newsletters concerning arts events in the Guildford locality.
- The knowledge that you are supporting arts initiatives through the Guildford Arts small grants scheme and the innovative arts promotion website which has been designed and funded by Guildford Arts.
- Organisation Members are able to include flyers in our regular mailings (Circulation of approximately 500) for a donation of £45 per mailing.
- Organisation Members may nominate a second named person to receive Guildford Arts mailings.
- Voting rights at the Guildford Arts AGM.
… and we provide a support service to all members who wish to place material on the website but may not be sure how best to go about it. Email: