This information is copied from the Guildford Fringe web site.

“At Guildford Fringe Theatre Company we believe that you don’t need all the bells and whistles that you sometimes get with West End and major Regional theatre productions.

As Peter Brook said in his book, The Empty Space, “A man walks across this empty space whilst someone else is watching him, and this is all that is needed for an act of theatre to be engaged.”

Brilliantly put and we are putting this into practise. We are gaining a reputation for producing top class professional theatre and events across Guildford. Our goal is make theatre more accessible by using venues such as The Back Room of The Star Inn. We have found an audience that would perhaps shy away from going to the ‘theatre’ but would happily sit and watch a show in the back of a pub where there is a more relaxed and less structured feel.

As well as theatre we also host monthly professional comedy clubs (Guildford Gag House andYou Must Be Stoking) and regular burlesque cabarets. Our aim is to continue to bring quirky events to our wonderful town and we would like to thank the Friends of the Fringe for their continued support and to all of our audience that keep coming along!”

01483 361101
