Call Me Ishmael

James Thompson

01483 548845

I was privileged to join Falmouth School of Art in 1986 as one of less than three hundred students, the last year before the government forced the process of amalgamation and expansion that culminated in the Falmouth University of today.  Continuing on to study printmaking at Wimbledon School Art (now part of University of the Arts London), I received my MA in 1994.

Experiencing mysterious lethargy and anxiety problems, an art career did not materialise.  I gained varied experience in a range of ancillary level jobs.  Diagnosed with a severe mental illness in 2003 I was told I would need to take antipsychotic medication for the rest of my life.  Redundancy from a sales assistant role in 2009 cemented my determination to take advantage of every opportunity to make art presented.

I found support at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust arts therapies department, Creative Response, Richmond Fellowship – Art Matters, The Lightbox’s Landscapes of the Mind project, Ochre Print Studio and Outside In at Pallant House Gallery.  I attended Outside In’s Step Up Workshop and Researching Collections programmes, later training to be an ambassador for the organisation (in 2022 all the Outside In ambassadors were awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service in the late queen’s final New Year Honours).

Continuing fatigue problems resulted in my GP arranging tests, including the iron panel for possible anaemia.  Instead of my iron being low, it was many times above the normal level.  DNA testing confirmed Genetic Haemochromatosis in 2013.  My iron level was returned to normal after the weekly removal of a unit of blood for a total of 22 weeks (2 bodies full!).

This June marks the second anniversary of my freedom from antipsychotic medication and the first from all psychiatric medication and treatment.


"The warmly cool, clear, ringing, perfumed, overflowing, redundant days, were as crystal goblets of Persian sherbet, heaped up—flaked up, with rose-water snow." Melville
National Muse Grid
Chlorophyll Free Landscape II