Fantasy Jewel

Emma Stepney

Adam Aaronson

Adam Aaronson is an established glass artist who is constantly experimenting with different techniques to develop his unique work. This ranges from small-scale vessels to large sculptures that can be installed indoors or outdoors. At Clyde & Co he will be exhibiting new work that he has been developing in 2018. This includes sculptures entitled “Sanctuary” together with sculptural vessels from his new Fantasy Jewel body of work.

“Sanctuary” creates a cocoon from 23.5ct gold leaf, which is completely encapsulated inside a thick casing of clear glass. Is that a secret thought, a life form or an inner world? Whatever it is, nothing can get at it, perfectly safe in its sanctuary.

The “Fantasy Jewel” vessels are deliberately ambiguous. Are those really jewels punctuating the structure or is that seaweed floating over a coral reef? Perhaps those are figures swimming around the vessel, or is it an exotic bird’s nest? Either way, there seems to be a hint of “Jackson Pollock meets cage-cup”!

Sunset Lightscape
Fantasy Flower Vase
Monochrome Sketch