Our core belief is that the ARTS are an essential component to enrich people’s lives. We all deserve a quality of life that includes the nurturing and expressive aspects of the arts. The ARTS humanise community and provide us with inspiration and opportunities to connect as people. ART is important in every society. It tells the tales of that society’s development, both trials and tribulations. Culturally speaking, the ARTS allow for the expression of creative exercise and teach tolerance for diversity. The ARTS also hold great financial and economic benefit for Guildford, as it attracts visitors and gives Guildford a strong identity.

For many years, we have been committed to opening the world of the ARTS for everyone, connecting people to the ARTS and to each other. The social aspect of membership is intrinsic in everything that we do. We want to connect people together that have a passion for the ARTS and ultimately our work creates a better, healthier and more connected society.

The objectives of our charity:

  • To raise the profile of ARTS in Guildford and to encourage the development of Guildford as an artistic and cultural hub
  • To make the ARTS inclusive and accessible for everyone
  • To offer practical advice, networking and support to those working within the ARTS, and
  • To advocate for the important contribution that the ARTS and creative industries make to today’s society

How will we do this?

  • Utilise funding from our membership to provide financial support for emerging artists / artistic endeavours
  • Offer support to artists and artistic initiatives via our network of members with a wealth of knowledge and experience of ARTS provision and resources
  • Use our website to promote Guildford's ARTS events both on the website, via regular email newsletters and via social media
  • Use the information gathered through our activities and other personal interactions to further ideas about ARTS venues, public ART provision and the availability of ARTS experiences

Guildford Arts, 2021

Would you like to be kept informed about arts events as they are added to this website? Sign up for your preferred newsletters and leave the rest to us!

Guildford Shakespeare Company, Love's Labour's Lost 2018 (Photo Matt Pereira)

(You can always change your mind by revisiting this page or using the 'Unsubscribe / Manage your subscription' links at the bottom of the newsletters.)

Email Newsletters

Sign up for weekly updates about Latest Arts Events,
or occasional Arts Newsletters concerning the arts scene.
Just tick the boxes, insert your email address and 'press to submit'.
You can unsubscribe at any time.

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✉ Please expect an email requesting you to confirm the above.

We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info.

Each Summer, Guildford Arts presents a distinctive exhibition of contemporary art in the Mill Studio at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.

A team of committed art enthusiasts spend several months visiting Art Exhibitions in the Guildford Area, London and across the South East to select and invite a variety of local and national artists to exhibit work. The exhibition has acquired a significant reputation among artists and buyers of art for an annual collection of 2D and 3D art that offers a broad range of styles and affordable prices!

Kindly sponsored by Seawhite of Brighton, Framing Castle, Guildford Financial and George Weil Art & Craft Supplies.


Mon     10.00am - 5.00pm

Tues     10.00am - 5.00pm  (2nd, 9th & 16th July until 7.00pm)

Weds   10.00am - 5.00pm  (3rd, 10th & 17th July until 7.00pm)

Thurs   10.00am - 5.00pm  (4th July until 7.00pm)

Fri        10.00am - 5.00pm  (5th July until 7.00pm)

Sat       10.00am - 5.00pm  (6th July until 7.00pm)

For further enquiries, please email:  [email protected]

Guildford Arts offers its members the opportunity to take advantage of our regular mailings

These are distributed to some 500 addresses –  including a growing list of our many ‘buyers’ who have purchased artworks at our exhibitions. Seven mailings occur at roughly 2 monthly intervals throughout the year. (See below)

Guildford Shakespeare Company,
Romeo and Juliet 2018 (Photo Matt Pereira)

We distribute flyers, invitations, membership materials and our newsletter. It is quite usual for a mailing to contain 10 or more individual ‘communications’ – most of which are provided by our Organisation Members.

We request a contribution of £50 per mailing towards postage and materials costs – and we ask that 500 copies of the item (usually a flyer!) be delivered at least three days before the mailing date.

Note: It is important to register your intention to use the mailing service at least two weeks ahead of the chosen mailing date so that we can arrange sufficient 'resources' for the 'stuffing' session!

All label production and envelope 'stuffing' is undertaken by our committee members!

For more details, please contact us by email: [email protected]

OR: [email protected]

Note: It is important to register your intention to use the mailing service at least two weeks ahead of the chosen mailing date so that we can arrange sufficient 'resources' for the 'stuffing' session!

Mailing Dates for 2021 will be announced once the Covid 19 situation has been clarified!

January 21st 2021

April 23rd 2021

June 15th 2021

Are you seeking funding for an arts initiative that will take place within the Borough of Guildford? Need help with money for a ‘one off’ arts event to be spent on publicity, materials, travel costs and /or fees? Perhaps you are looking for the backing of an established charitable arts organisation in support of applications to large funding bodies such as Guildford Borough Council or the Big Lottery Fund?

Guildford Shakespeare Company,
Alice 2017 (Photo Matt Pereira)

In which case you may be eligible for a small grant from Guildford Arts to help you towards your goal.

Guildford Arts Small Grants Scheme

Guildford Arts runs a small grants scheme with the principal aim of helping new local arts initiatives/projects to get off the ground.

If you have a new initiative/project and are seeking funding, please apply to [email protected]

Grants are made in May and November each year.

Applications must be received by the end of April or October.

Guidance on the Criteria for a Grant

1. Grants (usually £100-250, exceptionally up to £500) will normally only be made for new initiatives not a continuation or repeat of a previous or similar activity

2. Grants will usually be given to initiatives which have a longer term potential rather than a one-off event

3. Activities which enhance the lives of disadvantaged or young people will be particularly welcome, especially if it has the potential for some continuing engagement of the young or disadvantaged in hands-on artistic activity.

4. Preference will be given to initiatives which have the potential to involve a wider group of participants and have sustained impact

5. Receipt of an award will include the requirement to agree both to publicise Guildford Arts and allow the subsequent free use by Guildford Arts of the information provided (unless there is a specific agreement to the contrary)

6. A grant will be conditional on Guildford Arts receiving a report from the organisers setting out what was achieved and what subsequent actions are proposed.

7. Following the offer of a grant, 50% of the agreed funding will be made available subject to any other conditions that may be required. The second 50% will be available once the applicant has provided a suitable illustrated report on the success of the grant aided proposal. The report should be a relatively short appraisal of how the supported scheme performed against targets and how well it was received by participants/attendees.


1. Commercial or profit making organisations, education Institutions and Local Authorities, unless it is a completely separate project, supported by the organisation and run on a not for profit basis. 

2. Retrospective applications

3. Capital expenditure or the acquisition or maintenance of buildings etc.

4. Contributions to paid employment or personal education costs

5. The full cost of an initiative/project will not be met. Significant funds must be available from other sources. Evidence showing the existence of such funds may be required.

N.B. Very rarely, in wholly exceptional circumstances, GA may waive one or more of these exclusions.


If you have a worthwhile project which meets the requirements set out above, please send the following information to [email protected]

1. A short description (half/three quarters of a page) of your proposal and its objectives,

2. Details of established funding and /or realistic expected revenue
3. A breakdown of projected costs
4. The names, background and contact details of those running the project
5. A statement of the ways in which the project might develop and involve others.

If you are part of an organisation with a founding statement, constitution etc with a description of aims and objectives etc, will you please include that with your submission (or, if available on a web site, the URL).

Please note the dates for submission given at the top of this document.


Sometimes grants will be made/rejected on the basis of the above application alone: more usually, the people/person running the project will be asked to discuss the proposal with a designated member or members of the Guildford Arts Committee.

Guildford Arts
December 2012

Some examples of recent awards:

£300 toward the production of L’Orfeo opera staged by Esmond Cordingly-Poole for charity at St Mary’s in Guildford. The production gave young people the opportunity to produce and participate in a rarely staged opera.

£500 for a special arts related workshop for young people within the Always the Sun Festival in Stoke Park 

£214.25 to Forge Initiative Productions for their production of ‘Hitchhikers Guide to Guildford’.This was a special production that would be adapted for schools.

£250 for a workshop for young people as part of the national Big Draw initiative.

Funding for one of the film screenings  specifically aimed at the elderly within the Guildford Film Festival. 

Delight in Libraries - A drama production for young people from Guildford schools. £500

Grant toward installation of Physical Energy, Watts Gallery and Artists Village. £500

New Surrey Performing Arts Library - £1,000 to help more the library contents to a new site in Woking.

Pirbright Arts for a live online music concert. £600. Ongoing.

The above selection of awards were made during the period 2017 - 2020

Guildford Arts publishes a general Arts Magazine entitled ‘News & Views‘ three times a year.

Content varies from reflections on the arts and cultural scene in the Guildford area, articles concerning local arts personalities and significant events to updates on Guildford Arts and the activities of other arts organisations.

Members receive copies via our regular mailings while additional copies are distributed via the Guildford Library and The Guildford Institute.

To contact the editor, email [email protected]

To view the News & Views Archive, click HERE


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The information on this website is presented in good faith and for general information only. It does not constitute, nor is it intended to constitute, advice. This information has been provided by third parties or has been obtained from published information and other sources believed to be reliable at the time of preparation. Guildford Arts makes no representation or warranty concerning the completeness or accuracy of the contents of this website and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omossions arising from the information presented.

The information is supplied on condition that the user or any other person receiving the information will make their own determination as to its suitability for purpose. Guildford Arts assumes no responsibility for consequences resulting from use of the information contained in the website in any manner whatsoever.

Links to websites outside this website are provided in good faith for convenience and information only. Guildford Arts assumes no responsibility for their content nor is there any implication that Guildford Arts endorses the content of such linked sites.


All rights in the design, text, graphics and other material on this site and the selection or arrangement thereof is copyright of Guildford Arts or other third parties. Users may read, download and/or take electronic or printed copies the information in whole or in part for the users own use in research, education or other non-commercial purposes. Ownership of the materials rests with the copyright owner.

Any other use of the materials on our site (including reproduction for purposes other than noted above and alteration, modification, distribution or republication) without our prior written permission is prohibited. Should you require permission for the above, please contact Guildford Arts

  1. Membership of Guildford Arts is renewed annually.
  2. In making an application for membership you give permission to Guildford Arts to hold the information you provide in an electronic and other forms as necessary to meet operational needs.
  3. Operational needs include the issuing of physical mailings and occasional emails to promote the objectives of Guildford Arts and the need to maintain an accurate members database in compliance with our Data Privacy Policy.
  4. You may choose not to receive emails by editing your profile accordingly which you can do by logging into your account or by communicating your requirement to Guildford Arts in writing or by email.
  5. Guildford Arts will take all reasonable precautions to protect the privacy of the information you provide. In the event that such information is accessed by a malicious party, Guildford Arts will not accept responsibility for the consequences of such a breach of web site security.
  6. Members are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide.
  7. The accuracy and truthfulness of information posted to the website by or on behalf of members is the responsibility of those members.
  8. Corrections to web site entries requested of the web site administrator will be addressed as soon as possible but a period of 48 hours will typically apply.

© Guildford Arts 2013 - revised 2021


Protecting your privacy is a very important matter for Guildford Arts.

The following statement describes how Guildford Arts collects and uses information about its members and others who use its services.

If you have any queries please email: [email protected]

Collecting Information

We will collect personal information from you when you take out a membership subscription with us, make a purchase at one of our exhibitions or otherwise provide us with personal information.

We will also gather general information regarding the use of our website, such as which pages are visited most frequently. Only anonymous information and statistics will be used which do not identify individual visitors. This information is for administration purposes only.

Personal Information

The type of personal information collected includes name, email address, postal address, telephone number and, should you be an artist, other details that are relevant to your artistic activities .

How do we use this information?

We will use your personal information to provide you with

  • Access to our website to maintain your personal information
  • Access to our website to enable you to post articles as appropriate to the type of membership you hold.
  • Regular physical and electronic mailings
  • Occasional email messages concerning our activities, the activities of other arts organisations and your membership status

You can opt out of receiving emailed material at anytime by contacting Guildford Arts at [email protected]

Privacy and Security


‘Cookies’ are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enable the server to collect information from the browser. Should we use cookies, they will only be required to facilitate website operation. The use of cookies does not give us access to the rest of your computer or to personal information about you.

Personal Detail Protection

Information that you submit is stored on a secure server. However, the transmission of information over the Internet is never 100% secure so while we try to protect your personal information, we can’t guarantee the security of any information you submit to us via our website or that we enter on your behalf.

We also take appropriate measures to ensure that the information we receive is kept secure, accurate and up to date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is acquired. Access to our secure server is restricted to authorised officers of Guildford Arts.

Legal Compliance

Guildford Arts may need to disclose your information if required to do so by law or in response to a court order.


By providing us with your personal information you consent to the collection and use of that information for the purposes and in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.


Our website may include links to websites run by other organisations. Guildford Arts is not responsible for the privacy practices of other organisations’ websites. Should you access such websites and provide personal information to them, you should read their privacy policies carefully.

Data Protection (Rights of Access)

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you (for which we may charge a small fee) and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected.

Guildford Arts reserve’s the right to amend this privacy statement. The most up to date version will be always be available on our website so please check from time to time, continuing to use our website you will be deemed to have accepted any changes.

Data Deletion

You may request the deletion of all information we hold about you at any time. Members who have provided an email address may access their profile by logging into and selecting the ‘delete’ option at the bottom of the profile page.

Guildford Arts, 1 January 2021

Guildford Arts’ Constitution

adopted on the 18th day of July 2001 (as amended 17th July 2002, 2 July 2009, 4 July 2019 and

9th November 2022)

A         Name.

            The name of the Association is Guildford Arts ("the Charity")

B         Administration.

            Subject to the matters set out below the Charity and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this constitution by the members of the Executive Committee, constituted by clause H of this Constitution ("the Executive Committee").

C         Objects.

The Charity's objects (“the objects”) are “to advance the education of the general public by encouraging its appreciation and knowledge of the arts and by promoting and encouraging excellence in the practice of the arts”.

D         Powers.

            In furtherance of the objects but not otherwise the Executive Committee may exercise the following powers:

            (i)         power to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions provided that in raising funds the Executive Committee shall not undertake any substantial permanent trading activities and shall conform to any relevant requirements of the law;

(ii)       power to buy, take on lease or in exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the objects and to maintain and equip it for use;

            (iii)       power subject to any consents required by law to sell, lease or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Charity;

            (iv)       power subject to any consents required by law to borrow money and to charge all or any part of the property of the Charity with repayment of the money so borrowed;

            (v)        power to employ such staff (who shall not be members of the Executive Committee) as are necessary for the proper pursuit of the objects and to make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions and superannuation for staff and their dependants;

            (vi)       power to co-operate with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities operating in furtherance of the objects or of similar charitable purposes and to exchange information and advice with them;

            (vii)      power to establish or support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for all or any of the objects;

            (viii)     power to appoint and constitute such advisory committees as the Executive Committee may think fit; and

            (ix)       power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.

E         Membership.

 (1)       Membership of the Charity shall be open to:

  • individuals (over the age of 18 years) who are interested in furthering the work of the Charity and who have paid any annual subscription laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee; and
  • any body corporate or unincorporated association which is interested in furthering the Charity's work and has paid any annual subscription (any such body being called in this constitution a "member organisation").

(2)        Every member shall have one vote.

(3)       Each member organisation shall appoint an individual to represent it and to vote on its behalf at meetings of the Charity; and may appoint an alternate to replace its appointed representative at any meeting of the Charity if the appointed representative is unable to attend.

(4)       Each member organisation shall notify the name of the representative appointed by it and of any alternate to the secretary. If the representative or alternate resigns from or otherwise leaves the member organisation, he or she shall forthwith cease to be the representative of the member organisation.

(5)       The Executive Committee may by a majority vote (normally 75%) and for good reason terminate the membership of any individual or member organisation provided that the individual concerned or the appointed representative of the member organisation concerned (as the case may be) shall have the right to be heard by the Executive Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.

F          Honorary Officers.

At the annual general meeting of the Charity the members shall elect from amongst themselves a chairman, a vice-chairman, a treasurer, an administrator, and a membership secretary who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting. Two offices may be held by the same person.

G         Executive Committee.  

 (1)      The Executive Committee shall consist of not more than 20 members being:

  • up to 5 honorary officers specified in the preceding clause;
  • not more than 10 members elected at the annual general meeting who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting; and
  • up to 5 nominated members appointed as follows:

2 representatives from Guildford Borough Council;             

                        2 representatives from the University of Surrey; and

1 representative from Guildford Institute.

  • The Executive Committee may in addition appoint not more than 5 co-opted members but so that no-one may be appointed as a co-opted member if, as a result, more than one third of the members of the Executive Committee would be co-opted members. Each appointment of a co-opted member shall be made at a special meeting of the Executive Committee called under clause J (1) and shall take effect from the end of that meeting unless the appointment is to fill a place which has not then been vacated in which case the appointment shall run from the date when the post becomes vacant.
  • All the members of the Executive Committee shall retire from office together at the end of the annual general meeting next after the date on which they came into office.  They may be re-elected or re-appointed.
  • The proceedings of the Executive Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy among their number or by any failure to appoint or any defect in the appointment or qualification of a member.
  • Nobody shall be appointed as a member of the Executive Committee who is aged under 18 or who would if appointed be disqualified under the provisions of the following clause.
  • No person shall be entitled to act as a member of the Executive Committee whether on a first or any subsequent occasion without first signing a declaration of acceptance and of willingness to act in the trusts of the Charity.

H         Determination of Membership of Executive Committee.  

            A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to hold office if he or she:

  • is disqualified from acting as a member of the Executive Committee by virtue of section 72 of the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that provision);
  • becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing and administering his or her own affairs;
  • is absent without the permission of the Executive Committee from all their meetings held within a period of six months and the Executive Committee resolve that his or her office be vacated; or
  • notifies to the Executive Committee a wish to resign (but only if at least three members of the Executive Committee will remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect).

I           Executive Committee Members not to be personally interested.

            No member of the Executive Committee shall acquire any interest in property belonging to the Charity (otherwise than as a trustee for the Charity) or receive remuneration or be interested (otherwise than as a member of the Executive Committee) in any contract entered into by the Executive Committee.

J          Meetings and proceedings of the Executive Committee.

(1)       The Executive Committee shall hold at least two ordinary meetings each year. A special meeting may be called at any time by the chairman or by any two members of the Executive Committee upon not less than 4 days' notice being given to the other members of the Executive Committee of the matters to be discussed; if the matters include the appointment of a co-opted member then not less than 21 days' notice must be given.

(2)       The chairman shall act as chairman at meetings of the Executive Committee. If the chairman is absent from any meeting, the members of the Executive Committee present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting before any other business is transacted.

(3)       There shall be a quorum when not less than one third of the number of members of the Executive Committee for the time being or three members of the Executive Committee, whichever is the greater, are present at a meeting.

(4)       Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting on the question but in the case of equality of votes the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.

(5)       The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at its meetings and of any sub-committee meeting.

(6)       The Executive Committee may from time to time make and alter rules for the conduct of their business, the summoning and conduct of their meetings and the custody of documents. No rule may be made which is inconsistent with this constitution.

(7)       The Executive Committee may appoint one or more working parties consisting of three or more members of the Executive Committee and invited non-members of the Executive Committee, for the purpose of making any inquiry or supervising or performing any function or duty which in the opinion of the Executive Committee would be more conveniently undertaken or carried out by a working party provided that all acts and proceedings of any such working party shall be fully and promptly reported to the Executive Committee.

K         Receipts and expenditure. 

(1)        The funds of the Charity, including all donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into an account operated by the Executive Committee in the name of the Charity at such bank as the Executive Committee shall from time to time decide. All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two members of the Executive Committee.

(2)        The funds belonging to the Charity shall be applied only in furthering the objects.

L         Property.

(1)       Subject to the provisions of sub-clause (2) of this clause, the Executive Committee shall cause the title to:

            (i)         all land held by or in trust for the charity which is not vested in the Official Custodian for Charities; and

            (ii)        all investments held by or on behalf of the charity

            to be vested either in a corporation entitled to act as custodian trustee or in not less than two individuals being any two of the chairman, the vice-chairman and the treasurer as holding trustees. Holding trustees may be removed by the Executive Committee at its discretion and shall act in accordance with the lawful directions of the Executive Committee. Provided they act only in accordance with the lawful directions of the Executive Committee, the holding trustees shall not be liable for the acts and defaults of its members.

(2)       If a corporation entitled to act as custodian trustee has not been appointed to hold the property of the charity, the Executive Committee may permit any investments held by or in trust for the charity to be held in the name of a clearing bank, trust corporation or any stockbroking company which is a member of the International Stock Exchange (or any subsidiary of any such stockbroking company) as nominee for the Executive Committee, and may pay such a nominee reasonable and proper remuneration for acting as such.

M        Accounts.

The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to:

  • the keeping of accounting records for the Charity;
  • the preparation of annual statements of account for the Charity;
  • the auditing or independent examination of the statements of account of the Charity; and
  • the transmission of the statements of account of the Charity to the Commission.

N         Annual Report.

            The Executive Committee shall comply with their obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to the preparation of an annual report and its transmission to the Commission.

O         Annual Return.

            The Executive Committee shall comply with its obligations under the Charities Act 1993 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to the preparation of an annual return and its transmission to the Commission.

P          Annual General Meeting.  

(1)       There shall be an annual general meeting of the Charity which shall be held before 31st December following the Charity’s year end.

(2)       Every annual general meeting shall be called by the Executive Committee.  The secretary shall give at least 14 days' notice of the annual general meeting to all the members of the Charity. All the members of the Charity shall be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

(3)        The Executive Committee shall present to each annual general meeting the report and accounts of the Charity for the preceding year.

(4)       Nominations for election to the Executive Committee, together with the nominee’s

          written agreement to stand for election, must be made by members of the Charity in writing

          and be in the hands of the secretary of the Executive Committee at least 24 hours before

          annual general meeting. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot.

Q         Special General Meetings.

            The Executive Committee may call a special general meeting of the Charity at any time. If at least ten members request such a meeting in writing stating the business to be considered the secretary shall call such a meeting. At least 21 days' notice must be given. The notice must state the business to be discussed.

R         Procedure at General Meetings. 

(1)       The secretary or other person specially appointed by the Executive Committee shall keep a full record of proceedings at every general meeting of the Charity.

(2)       There shall be a quorum when at least one tenth of the number of members of the Charity for the time being or ten members of the Charity, whichever is fewer, are present at any general meeting.

S          Notices.

Any notice required to be served on any member of the Charity shall be in writing and shall be served by the Executive Committee on each member either by email or by sending it through the post addressed to such member at their last known address in the United Kingdom: any letter so sent shall be deemed to have been received within 10 days of posting.     

T         Alterations to the Constitution.      

(1)       Subject to the following provisions the Constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting. The notice of the general meeting must include notice of the resolution setting out the terms of the alteration(s) proposed.

  • No amendment may be made to clause A (the name of charity clause), clause C (the objects clause), clause I (Executive Committee members not to be personally interested clause), clause U (the dissolution clause) or this clause without the prior consent in writing of the Commissioner.
  • No amendment may be made which would have the effect of making the Charity cease to be a charity at law.

(4)       The Executive Committee should promptly send to the Commission a copy of any amendment made under this clause.

U         Dissolution.

            If the Executive Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Charity it shall call a meeting of all members of the Charity, of which not less than 21 days' notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting the Executive Committee shall have power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Charity. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Charity as the members of the Charity may determine or failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose. A copy of the statement of accounts, or account and statement, for the final accounting period of the Charity must be sent to the Commission.

This constitution as amended was adopted on 9 November 2022 on behalf of the Trustees by the persons whose signatures appear at the bottom of this document.

Signed             ............................................................................................... Chairman

