Diana Pollock is a still life artist who studied Fine Art at Canterbury College of Art during the 1980s. She then moved to London and continued her interest in painting concepts and issues related to the domestic.

Her preferred medium recently has been pastels, building up layers to create sometimes, unexpected effects. She has developed a keen interest in the relationship with still life and the artist, believing that the interpretation of the subject matter is often consciously or not, autobiographical.

She has exhibited in many sole and group exhibitions in London and the South East.

Alison graduated from St Martins School of Art in 1983 and has worked with art in a myriad of ways since as a painter/printmaker as well as teaching in Adult Education in Surrey and using art in her counselling practice and with young offenders. More recently this has extended to arts mentoring and supporting people with mental illness through making art.

Presently her art practise is focused on printmaking, Alison is a keyholder member of Ochre Print Studio where she continues to enjoy making etchings, monoprints and collagraphs. She is drawn to both urban and rural landscape, though the natural world is always her biggest inspiration.

A regular exhibitor at the prestigious Mall Galleries in London and with collectors as far afield as Australia, Singapore, North America and Continental Europe, Adriana’s reputation as a skilled and expressive glass artist is now expanded beyond the United Kingdom.

Formally trained in glass design and making (under- and post-graduate) she also enjoys researching and exploring new techniques and pushing traditional methods to their limits.

Adriana draws upon the natural creations brought about by the combination of water and wind on our environments, and the Iceberg Series body of work is the result of a recent trip to Alaska where Adriana was lucky enough to travel to and walk on several glaciers. Each Iceberg is unique due to the way in which it is made – from model and mould-making to casting and finishing, everything is destroyed by the processes used.

Adriana’s new eggshell-thin Pate de Verre work centres around the fragility of memory and memories and seeks a solution to capturing their elusiveness.
