Trees and Beyond 400

Charles Twigg
01483 727834
[email protected]

Charles is a local artist living and working in Woking and exhibits several times each year locally.

His art takes three principal directions. Firstly, at present he is working on a massive project (over 400 images) entitled, “Trees and Beyond”, of which five are shown here, the work is multi-media, but predominantly ink work and shows the symbiotic relationships which trees have with other fauna within their various environs.

Secondly Charles is passionate about mental health work and spends several days a week working with Mind, Epsom LMLMM and other local organisations.

Then thirdly, Charles loves travel, compiling pictorial essays in ink, water-colour, photography and also the written word of these journeys. Over the years seventy plus of these journals have been produced.
He also produces Maritime and botanical sculpture. All the above is available to be examined by appointment.

Trees and Beyond (334)
Trees and Beyond (352)
Trees and Beyond (336)
Trees and Beyond (359)